Yololo's Poetry
  •                      My name is Yololo and I approve this message!

  • "YoLoLo's Poetry Podcast & Open Mic"

    The key to success is to know that you are the key, so let’s open these doors. This podcast encourages, elevates, educates, demonstrates, and entertains the voices unheard. Our unique style of poems and colorful storytelling has captivated others and straightened their crooked paths. This is a mighty movement of inspiration and real-life views of life-changing challenges. Too many times we hear the negative positions through the media and wonder where is the good in life? We have the answers. We are part of the solution and not the problem, so stay tuned in to YoLoLo's Poetry Podcast Show.

    Click here to listen!

About Yololo

YoLoLo is a professional life coach and an artist who expresses her emotions through many mediums. A Germany native with strong roots in Trinidad & Tobago.  She has always been an advocate for social justice and enjoys mentoring the youth and young adults. She has many hidden talents such as spoken word/poetry, music composing, instrumentalist, and novelist.  In fact, she recently published a book of poems entitled “YoLoLo’s Poetry”.  YoLoLo is a creative life coach who aims to empower people by improving their minds, bodies, and actions. 

                           There is power in your words.
"In the beginning was the word, how powerful is that! To know that the word was here before you, to know that your purpose was here before you, and to know that speaking the word out loud really comes true. By using my creative style of poetry and life coaching experience I am here to educate, elevate, demonstrate, and to entertain the greater you. You are the headliner of the show, the author of your book, the light in the darkness, and a gift to the world. So, let’s not forget that!"


Yololo's Poetry Podcast Show

The key to success is to know that you are the key, so let’s open these doors. This podcast encourages, elevates, educates, demonstrates, and entertains the voices unheard. Our unique style of poems and colorful storytelling has captivated others and straightened their crooked paths. This is a mighty movement of inspiration and real-life views of life-changing challenges. Too many times we hear the negative positions through the media and wonder where is the good in life? We have the answers. We are part of the solution and not the problem, so stay tuned in to YoLoLo's Poetry Podcast Show.


What do people say about YoLoLo's Poetry & Life Coaching?

My Purpose:

To inspire your desire with love and expand your thoughts with grace.